HawaiiTaxMaps.com & TaxMapsHi.com
A service of HCSHawaii & HalbergCS
Terms of Service

  • All subscriptions unless otherwise agreed to in writing are Single User Subscriptions.
  • A Single User Subscription (The Subscriber) can be used by the person who subscribes to or pays for the service.
  • Access Limitations: A Single User Subscription shall allow The Subscriber to access the Service on as many as 3 computers: 1 Office, 1 Home, 1 Portable.  If The Subscriber so desires they may allow other Non Subscriber users to access service from their office computer as long as no more than 1 person is accessing the service at a time.  Non Subscribers may not use a Subscriber’s account information to access the service from locations outside of Subscriber’s office.
  • Responsibility for misuse lays solely with The Subscriber.  Any misuse of Subscriber’s access account may result in additional annual subscription charges for each unauthorized non subscriber access to service utilizing Subscribers access information.  Such misuse may result in termination of account.   IP Addresses are tracked with Subscriber access information.
  • No Liability Assumed:  All data and maps updated on a quarterly, semi annual or annual basis from government sources.  HCSHawaii & Paul J Halberg make no claims as to accuracy of said data and maps.


website built and maintained by HalbergCS ©2011 & 2012
